Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)is a processor design strategy that uses a much simplified instructions set than traditional Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) .The philosophy behind using RISC was that CISC architecture was not as fast and flexible to growth as RISC.
The RISC architecture was shown to be more flexible and faster on several occasions when performing the same operations.
The RISC processors of 1980s were very simple from the ones available currently available in the market. These processors only consisted of thousands of transistors and had a typical instruction set of 32 instructions. However, as the time passed the number of transistors on the CPU also increased along with the instruction set. Earlier, the register size within the processor was also limited to 8-bit; however, as the technology evolved, the size of the registers also increased considerably which allowed for same operations to be performed in lesser processor cycles.
Furthermore, the addition of instructions to perform complex operations also allowed the software to run faster as a single complex task which was previously done using