One of the most ancient forms of communication known as hand writing is being replaced by typing. Even with the invention of the typewriter, it was still not uncommon to handwrite memos, letters, and academic papers. According to the Sue Loughlin from Tribune Star, “. . . the Indiana Department of Education will no longer require Indiana’s public schools to teach cursive writing,” which gives a quick insight at technology taking a precedence even in education. With the move away from writing in schools, educational institutions are promoting computer keyboarding and putting it on an “equal” playing field with hand writing.
“The constant use of digital technologies can place a strain on families, friendships, and classrooms,” (Palfrey and Gasser 186). Thinking of the shear amount of time we devote online interacting in some form digitally, you may find the majority of your day is consumed by it. Not to say this applies to everyone, but for most technology is becoming an increasingly important aspect as it touches all areas of our life and world. The downside to being digitally connected constantly is that we never get a real chance to go unconnected. Instead of waking up and stretching, you may wake up and check your cell phone first; digital technology is changing almost every part of our lives.