Conducting a performance appraisal is an important part of evaluating the abilities of staff members. Performance appraisals are “structured events involving a periodic examination of performance to ascertain how well a particular employee is performing relative to what is expected” (Fallon & McConnell, 2007, p 221). Performance appraisals can assist both management and subordinates in setting expectations and understanding roles and polices. In addition to these benefits it is also a mandate of many health care organizations that old certain accreditation standards and must be conducted to uphold compliance. There are many different systems that can be utilized to conduct performance evaluations and each facility should use the system that fits them best. The performance appraisal process can consist of an essay, a critical incident, employee comparison, a checklist, or management by objectives and regardless of the system used employees and management should both be on the same page as the expectations of what is to be achieved by the appraisal. I work at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and we conduct performance evaluations in November. Our evaluation process is conducted by utilizing a 360 model, where employees evaluate themselves and are in turn evaluated by their co-workers and superiors. Employees are evaluated on their use of the core values in their everyday practices as well as communication skills and safety standards. A formal evaluation review interview is conducted and employees are given the opportunity to discuss their evaluations with their supervisors and a final evaluation number is decided upon. Employees are evaluated on a five point scale Outstanding, Exceeds, Achieves, Met, Not Met. Upon completion employees are asked to sign evaluations and management then determines the level of compensation an employee will be given based on their evaluation score. I personally like this type of evaluation
Conducting a performance appraisal is an important part of evaluating the abilities of staff members. Performance appraisals are “structured events involving a periodic examination of performance to ascertain how well a particular employee is performing relative to what is expected” (Fallon & McConnell, 2007, p 221). Performance appraisals can assist both management and subordinates in setting expectations and understanding roles and polices. In addition to these benefits it is also a mandate of many health care organizations that old certain accreditation standards and must be conducted to uphold compliance. There are many different systems that can be utilized to conduct performance evaluations and each facility should use the system that fits them best. The performance appraisal process can consist of an essay, a critical incident, employee comparison, a checklist, or management by objectives and regardless of the system used employees and management should both be on the same page as the expectations of what is to be achieved by the appraisal. I work at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and we conduct performance evaluations in November. Our evaluation process is conducted by utilizing a 360 model, where employees evaluate themselves and are in turn evaluated by their co-workers and superiors. Employees are evaluated on their use of the core values in their everyday practices as well as communication skills and safety standards. A formal evaluation review interview is conducted and employees are given the opportunity to discuss their evaluations with their supervisors and a final evaluation number is decided upon. Employees are evaluated on a five point scale Outstanding, Exceeds, Achieves, Met, Not Met. Upon completion employees are asked to sign evaluations and management then determines the level of compensation an employee will be given based on their evaluation score. I personally like this type of evaluation