I did agree with many of the points he made. My favorite quote of this piece was, “it is folly to think that we as performers, as re-creators, can elevate the work of art. It is the work of art that can elevate us” (Schuller 8). This is the best argument I have heard for strictly adhering to the score and helps to strengthen the rest of his comments throughout the piece. His insists on following the composer’s instructions exactly because ignoring any one of them could drastically change the sound of the entire …show more content…
My biggest challenge is going to be working on my inner ear. I need to rely on recordings less and start with reading through the score. Analyzing the score more will allow me to hear details in rehearsals and better help my future students improve their music skills. In the future I will attempt to follow the composer’s instructions more carefully while still applying my views to the music. These articles have certainly given me a lot to think about and will hopefully help my conducting