Before the concert started, while waiting for everyone to settle down in their seat, the players were doing a little rehearsal, it was a dissonance mixture of sound from every instrument. When it was show time, the conductors gave everyone a little greeting before proceeded to the first piece, American Fanfare by James M. …show more content…
This piece was conduct by the graduate student, Herrea. From the description from the program note, this Vanity Fair was a comedy overture base on [Williams Makepeace] Thackeray’s novel. At the beginning, it was very energetic like the introduction to some mischief character that we used to see in movie. The second part start with the sound of a bell, and the music started to describe a scene from the middle of the night with all the peaceful sounds. The ending brought back the energetic mood from the opening with a little addition from the timpani player that made it sounded like the conclusion of the story the music