Everyone faces conflict in their lives on a daily basis. It is an accepted and expected part of life. Conflict is not a problem in itself - it is what we do with it that counts. You can't avoid conflict in your life, at home, at work, and even at play. Wherever people interact, there is a potential for conflict. That is not bad news because good things can arise, and relationships can improve through conflict, provided conflict is managed with thought and attention. The bad news is that most of us are fairly limited in how we manage and resolve conflict situations, often throwing gasoline on the fire. It doesn't have to be that way.
At the end of the report, the graduate students will be able to: 1. Define Conflict and Conflict Resolution. 2. Name the 4 basic categories of Conflict Resolution. 3. Give at least 3 out of 11 strategies of conflict resolution.
Conflict among Nurses
Nursing is a profession that is based on collaborative relationship with clients and colleagues but, when two or more people view issues from different perspectives, these relationships can be compromised by conflict. Although, the majority belief about conflict is as being negative issue. However, the experience of dealing with conflict can lead to positive outcomes for nurses, their colleagues, and clients. If conflict is not managed effectively, it can hinder a nurse`s ability to provide quality client care and escalate into violence and abuse. Because of this, nurses need to be aware of the ways in which conflict can escalate and be prepared to prevent or manage it in the workplace.
Because nurses have interpersonal relationship with people having a variety of different values, beliefs, backgrounds, and goals, conflict is an expected outcome. The primary concern whenever there is conflict among nurses is the negative effects it will create on the quality of service given to the clients.
A conflict that remains unresolved can have a
References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict_resolution http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_81.htm http://www.helpguide.org/mental/eq8_conflict_resolution.htm http://www.edcc.edu/counseling/documents/Conflict.pdf