The nature of a work team makes them vulnerable to conflicts and disagreements. Because people carry the weight of personal values, experiences and beliefs into the work team, there is always the possibility that conflict will arise. That is why recognizing the signs and source of conflict will help understand the role of conflict in the work team. Here is list of signs of conflicts that the work team should be aware of:
1. Anger, irritability, sarcasm
2. Without holding of, or willingness to share information needed to do the task
3. Lack of enthusiasm
4. Avoidance of responsibility
5. Difficulty participating in group discussion or decisions
6. An unwillingness to cooperate
Conflicts are rooted in various aspects of each individual team members experience and beliefs. However; there are two sources of conflict that embodies the essence of most work team conflict.
Personality Conflicts allows key issues to be ignored or defined out of existence in daily operations. Personality conflict will always exist when people interact closely on a daily basis.
Value Conflicts is a common personal and social stressor is opposing values disputes about intangible references, priorities and opinions. Value conflicts are caused by perceived or actual incompatible belief systems, tradition, experience, faith and personality, not facts or reasons. The disputes arise only when people attempt to force one set of values on others or lay claim to exclusive value systems that don on allow for divergent beliefs.
According to Bolman and Deal (1997), conflict happens because of a variety of factors. Individual differences in goals, expectations, values, and suggestions about how to best manage a situation are unavoidable. Whenever these differences arise uncomfortable feelings regarding the business? future and conflict often increase (Walker, 1986).
Van Slyke (1999) claimed that conflict and its resolution are complicated issues because there