Last Sunday, Scores of protesters marched through Tsim Sha Tsui in an "anti-locust" campaign demanding the government curb mainland visitors.
Interviewer: During the protest, the mainlanders are sneered as “locust”. How do you think about this term?
Interviewer: How would you describe the relationship between Hong Kong n Mainland nowadays?
First of all, I think the nature of Locust is stereotype and this kind of sterotype is mainly from Some of the Hong Kong people think that the mainlanders come to Hong Kong and destroy and just leave. But this kind of stereotype is not very good for Hong Kong no matter for the relationships between China and Hong Kong for hong kong poepl itself even the image of HHK is not very good.
Ans (000045-000123)
With “double-not" pregnant women flocking to Hong Kong and mainland tourists snapping up everything, the mainland-HK conflicts are more and more controversial.
Interviewer: As for the mainland-HK conflict, do you think its able to be solved or will be continued to be worse and worse?
Its definitely cant solved at this moment. Because it is the problem rooted In 2003, since the individual traveller came to Hong Kong since the government started this policy I think this situation will only be worse and worse and the level of this situation only depends on the government’s reaction in the future.
Ans: 000142-000210
(Get worse) Interviewer: At first, the conflict may just begin with a small issue, why people today become so critical and mean judging one another on this issue?
Well first of all we have to review that why people nowadays become so radical I think the nature of that only because we r suffering from some contradictions in Hong Kong society. Not only in the individual traveller problem – the relationship between Hong Kong and China, maybe