When difficult situations arise we all have the capability to either cave into the pressure or stand our ground in Animal Farm both the sheep and dogs caved under pressure. Of course they conformed in two different ways first the sheep accepted their place in society by never allowing the other animals to think on the constrictions placed on them always breaking out into “two legs bad four legs good.” The pattern continued after …show more content…
The dogs were napoleon the tyrant’s way to prevent an uproar from the animals by way of executions. After a botched trial of forced confessions from pigs that napoleon was fearful could overthrow him the dogs were commanded to brutally murder them by “promptly tore their thwarts out”(84). They were diminished to being nothing more than killers who were at the will of napoleon. This is seemingly a task that requires self control yet the dogs from birth never were in control of their lives or actions. Yet they were well taken care of “ neither pigs nor dogs produced any food by their own