This brought up a multitude of different concerns for my well being. How will I tell if there is a gas leak? How will I know if something is on fire? How will I know if I have infamous body odor? All these concerns are often taken for granted because most people have functioning noses; however, that is not the case for me. …show more content…
Most doctors said that mine was a rare case, as the condition is not often seen in young girls, but rather older men. One doctor thought that by fixing my deviated septum, and removing my adenoids and enlarged polyps, my sense of smell would improve. However, after practically reorganizing my respiratory system, NOTHING IMPROVED. The next doctor told me that my condition was most likely caused by my narrow nasal passage which could not be corrected and not being able to smell was not a big deal. That was a reassuring moment! Thankfully, my current doctor prescribed a nasal spray that has been somewhat effective, as I sometimes think I can sense an aroma. Nonetheless, my memory of the scent doesn't last long enough for me to remember them if I encounter the same scent again. Oh