Beverage industry is one of the fast growing industries in India. It can be divided into two sections i.e. carbonated and non-carbonated. The carbonated drinks can be further classified in cola, Lemon, Orange, Mango, and Apple segments. Marketing includes all the fulfill the all segment of consumers. Marketing is also to convert social needs into profitable opportunities. So this topic provides all the essential to theoretical knowledge and to inculcate the efficiency. It is also requirement for the company to improve their service and quality for achieving their ultimate goal. Project Title : Market Share and consumer preference towards mineral water with special reference to Bisleri . The topic has been already given by the company to collect information about current status of the cooler purity that is given by the company to the retailer for selling of every brand mineral water of Bisleri. The main objective of the research was to know the company’s position in the mineral water . Location: Lucknow
Based on the problem the objective of the research is divided into two which are as follows:
Primary Objective:
To analyse brand loyalty of customers towards the company’s products range.
To analysis the market share of Bisleri product.
Secondary Objective:
Analyse consumer satisfaction for different Bisleri products.
Analyse the Consumer behaviour of Bisleri mineral water .
Though, best efforts have been made to make the study fair, transparent and error free. But there might be some inevitable and inherent limitations. Though outright measure are undertaken to make the report most accurate.
The limitation of the survey are narrated below:
The project is valid for Lucknow city only.
It was not possible to cover each and every Retail shop due to time constrains.
There may be some biased response form the respondents
Some respondents did
Bibliography: Books Kothari C.R., (2004), “Research Methodology- Methods & Techniques”, New age international(p) limited. Malhotra Naresh K, Marketing Research- An Applied Orientation, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 2008 Web sites