As a nation, Australia is endowed with good health and one of the most diverse, nutritious and attractive food supplies in the world. Australian society generally is provided with an abundant, safe and affordable food supply that has developed to incorporate an increasing diversity of experiences and tastes.
Teenage years or adolescence is an important growth and development period which has involvement for future nutrition status and food consumption habits. While there is evidence that food intake patterns are established before adolescence, they may also change essentially during adolescence and these modified food patterns, if unhealthy, are likely to influence health and disease risk in later life.
Its purpose is to understand the Australian cuisine with respect to its popular main dishes. This study sought to evaluate the consumption patterns of Australian main dishes among adolescents, by age, gender and of residence. This attempts to assess the popularity of their traditional dishes among teenagers of the present day and how often they consume these. This also discusses how economic, nutrition, environmental and social factors affect current food consumption.
Background of the Study Australia is one of seven continents and constitutes most of the Pacific region, both in terms of size and population. The Pacific region consists of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific island nations. The culture, history and food of each country within the Pacific region are influenced by both its Indigenous people and those people who have migrated from other countries around the world.
For over 40,000 years, Australia’s cuisine was derived from its Indigenous foods, with the Indigenous people leading a nomadic lifestyle as hunters and gatherers, moving from place to place and finding food as they went. For more than 200 years, influences from countries and cultures