Assign tasks to each employee
• We will provide a handout to each team employee listing there areas they are responsible through out the month.
• This allows them to plan for the tasks and assignment they will need to complete.
• Each employee will get assignments based on there level of experience. As they move up in the company more tasks can be assigned.
Manager/Head Manager checks daily on tasks
• This is important part of the contingent reward system.
• Every three hours the manager needs to verify that the task is done and make a note of it on a board where all the tasks for the month are represented.
• The reward is broken down per paycheck. Each completed task represents a certain percentage of additional money.
• This will also be viewed quarterly for yet another possible percentage increase
• So as the employees do there assigned task they are rewarded for that.
• If they do not do the task they will not receive the increase
• It will also show they are not getting there tasks done on the big board o This will service as a motivation as the team can see who is performing and who is not
This is the concept that has been