One of the most impacting apportations to the Spanish culture was the architectural styles of the Islamic mosques. For instance one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, Is …show more content…
the Great Mosque of Córdoba. This represented the vivid Muslim spirit of al-Andalus. This great mosque was built to get a good place for the Muslim citizens of Spain to practice their religion. The mosque features different treats, such as arcs with different colors on them, but also some Christian features due to the presence of the followers of this religion. After the defeat of the Muslims, this place adopted different Christians features such as icons and statues, including a cathedral in the mosque’s main prayer hall to show they conquest. The mosque or cathedral reflects the cultural influence of the Islamic art, but also the Christian art, in the architecture of Spain.
Philosophy was another strong influence in al-Andalus, that reflected how the Muslim knowledge brought a new ideals to the Spanish society.
One of the most famous philosopher in Muslim Spain was Averroes or also known as Abd Rushd. “His works were banned and burned.” “Averroes seems to have been one of these multi-talented men ahead of this time.” He made astronomical observations in modern-day Morocco, and he brought medical advances. Spain’s cultural background was benefited by the discoveries of this philosopher in the time of the Moors.
The social organization was something that was very clear in the Caliphate of Córdoba. “In al-Andalus, the Moors lived in their own neighborhoods or Morerias, and by the middle of the 14th century there were over a thousand throughout the land. The Jewish population lived in their own quarters called Juderias with their synagogues.” The social split reflected how the Muslims treated the other religions in Córdoba and how by this the social organization in
The availability of materials in the area of al-Andalus gave prosperity to the cities including Córdoba, due to the higher agricultural activity. Irrigation systems and canals were introduced to keep a good production staple crops of new plants and fruit trees, like cotton, oranges, figs, lemons, along with others. The advances of this primary activities allowed the citizens to get a strong economy in Spain, that also reflected the cultural advances in construction of daily life usage systems.
Muslim literature, used in Córdoba impacted the Spanish language that is used today, through the use of words. Approximately modern Spanish language contains 10 of the vocabulary of Arabic language, words that are related to the agricultural techniques and architecture of Cordoba. Some examples are noria (waterwheel), and acequia (irrigation ditch.) This show how that the culture of the Muslims was very strong, not only for the vocabulary, but for the content of it as well.
In the Caliphate of Córdoba the Muslim introduced different animals that did activities that show the cultural impact on the economy of Spain. Some examples include the horse that the Muslims domesticated and used in tournaments and they were also appreciated for hunting. “al-Mansur is said to have purchased 8000 horses a year for the State.” The people used donkeys and mules to transport people in Mallorca, they also used them in war due to their good ability to cross mountainous terrain. The use of the animals in the Caliphate of Córdoba show us how the culture of Spain gained domestication as an activity that improved the economy.
Mathematical advances were an important achievement of the Moors in Córdoba that were preserved until today. With the Arabs, the concept of decimal numbers arrived to Spain, the concept of number zero as well (probably from India). The Gothic civilizations used this knowledge after the Caliphate, to build the great cathedrals. This show how the mathematical advances of the Muslims are part of the culture of Spain, and for the whole world as well.
Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, was something that Spain’s culture adopted from the Moors in Cordoba. “Calligraphy was a highly valued art giving reverence to the language, and copyists were retained to reproduce precious manuscripts.” In Europe calligraphy was very used in the Middle Ages.Calligraphy was a strong artistic and literary impact, that is used in the contemporary life. This art show us how the art of the Islamic tribes contributed to the artistic techniques in the subsequent ages.
The Muslims introduced the idea of having a place designed for the government and different places of interest. This tradition of setting the important places in a place is a tradition in many places of the world, including ex-Spanish colonies. The Medina was located at the outside of the capital of the caliphate at the north-west, five miles away. This city featured mosques, markets and administrative centers. Here the caliph Abderraman III set his offices, the court and the palace. This show how the organization of the Muslims impacted the Spanish cities. The markets were other apportation that the Muslims brought to Spain which is very popular, until today. The cities reflect the culture of the Moors in a place.
The introduction of knowledge in Córdoba throu
Conclusion: The culture of Spain, such as the architecture, language, the different techniques or labors, social organization, science and the organization of cities, was affected and changed in the time due to the presence of the Muslim peoples in the Caliphate of Córdoba. The arts and literature were great contributions that the Muslims took to Spain.The culture of the Muslims is a clear evidence of how a society can impact the places where they establish their cities or kingdoms, that also impact other places in the world