The Contracting Parties,
Desiring to facilitate international road traffic and to increase road safety through the adoption of uniform traffic rules,
Have agreed upon the following provisions:
Chapter I
For the purpose of this Convention the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
The "domestic legislation" of a Contracting Party means the entire body of national or local laws and regulations in force in the territory of that
Contracting Party;
A vehicle is said to be "in international traffic" in the territory of a State if:
It is owned by a natural or legal person normally resident outside that State;
It is not registered in that State; and
It is temporarily imported into that State;
provided, however, that a Contracting Party may refuse to regard as being "in international traffic" a vehicle which has remained in its territory for more than one year without a substantial interruption, the duration of which may be fixed by that Contracting Party.
A combination of vehicles is said to be "in international traffic" if at least one of the vehicles in the combination conforms to the above definition;
"Built-up area" means an area with entries and exits signposted as such, or otherwise defined in domestic legislation;
(d) traffic; "Road" means the entire surface of any way or street open to public
"Carriageway" means the part of a road normally used by vehicular traffic; a road may comprise several carriageways clearly separated from one another by, for example, a dividing strip or a difference of level;
On carriageways where one or more side lanes or tracks are reserved for use by certain vehicles, "edge of the carriageway" means, for other roadusers, the edge of the remainder of the carriageway;
"Lane" means any one of the longitudinal strips into