The story of Coolburst remains one of the most interesting adventure in business. It begins with the CEO Luisa Reboredo attempting to combat stagnant revenues and profits. She knew something had to be done to rectify the problems. We have suggested many ways through which she can correct this problems to put Coolburst on the map of juice production once again.
Looking forward to the future, we suggested that the CEO maintain a positive attitude and have a change of mind set. Success for Coolburst will depend on her belief that Coolburst can be successful once again she will have to maintain some element of renew vision and direction for the Company, a direction with a strategic business plan, only then can coolburst emerge from its stagnation. That notwithstanding, we also discussed how she can create long term goals and use past successes to link future vision, by so doing, the top managers even at the parent Company in Chicago will be comfortable with her new ideas and commit to it
It is also our suggestion that she must promote an atmosphere within the organization where ideas are valued, considered and if possible implemented, this will boost the morals of the employees instead of shooting down every idea that comes from them as observed in past CEO’s attitude. She should also give the employees tools and training needed to unlocking creativity.
Furthermore, it is imperative for her to