Some of the residents that I care for have multiple conditions to their health, two residents imparticular experience Vascular and Alzheimer's Dementia and have Stoma and Urostomy bags, due to their Dementia causing them memory loss confusion and one of them dysphasia they are no longer able to understand or communicate the reason they have these bags and are often left wondering why these things are constantly attached to them.
This impacts on them as individuals as they are unable to preserve their own dignity and ask for help they need due to this, as this being unfamiliar to them each time they look at it they may start to have behaviour issues as they have difficulty with tasks such as emptying the bags safely and hygienically, they are both using a walking aid to stabilize them while they are walking and can find this difficult when trying to compete this task by themselves as well as being unable to communicate effectively, because of this they will touch the bags and often try to empty them by themselves and when this doesn't go smoothly they will become distressed and anxious about what is happening, receiving help can also be a distressing time for residents as they are not aware of why you are touching the bag, A resident that I have cared for previously with the same conditions was constantly pulling at the bag and taking off her clothes and asking people why? and what? it is, and having been unable to locate the toilet by herself, to try and preserve her dignity carers would try to escort her to her room and get her something to cover up with and distract her to lesson her distress,explaining every step of the way what is happening.
Recommendations for modification to improve the dignity of residents such as these would be to use picture cards that explain simply the condition they have and have brightly coloured toilet doors for every toilet on the unit they live, handrails and perching stools to enable them to