These types of schools appealed to low-income individuals, most of whom would probably be the first to graduate in their family. They did not understand the loans they were taking out and may have been encouraged to take out the maximum amount allowed. In reducing the amount that Corinthian could receive in federal funding, the 90/10 rule was to be enforced. The 90/10 rule is the following, “a federal law mandating they receive no more than 90 percent of their funding from federal student aid programs” (Schuman, 2015). Therefore, Corinthian could receive 90% of Federal funds for student to pay for schooling, but the other 10% had to come from other sources such as VA benefits, State Grants, Scholarships, Agency payments, or cash payments. Other Private Postsecondary schools have to abide by this type of rule, but they may have different parameters such as 85/15 or 95/5 based on the
These types of schools appealed to low-income individuals, most of whom would probably be the first to graduate in their family. They did not understand the loans they were taking out and may have been encouraged to take out the maximum amount allowed. In reducing the amount that Corinthian could receive in federal funding, the 90/10 rule was to be enforced. The 90/10 rule is the following, “a federal law mandating they receive no more than 90 percent of their funding from federal student aid programs” (Schuman, 2015). Therefore, Corinthian could receive 90% of Federal funds for student to pay for schooling, but the other 10% had to come from other sources such as VA benefits, State Grants, Scholarships, Agency payments, or cash payments. Other Private Postsecondary schools have to abide by this type of rule, but they may have different parameters such as 85/15 or 95/5 based on the