Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of the alignment to organizational values. In Weak Culture there is little alignment with organizational values and control must be exercised through extensive procedures and bureaucracy.
Factors influencing culture (Drennan):
1. the influence of a dominant leader – the vision, management style and personality of the founder or leader in a business often has a significant influence on the values that the business tries to promote;
2. the history and tradition of the business – how things have always been done (and why);
3. the type of technology used by the business and the types of goods and/or services it produces;
4. which industry/sector the business is in, and how much and what type of competition it faces;
5. the customers of the business – who they are and what they expect;
6. company expectations – based to a large extent on past performance;
7. the types of information and control systems used;
8. the legislation and wider business environment;
9. the procedures and policies within the business;
10.the reward systems and the measurement of performance;
11. how the business is organised and resourced;
12. goals, values and beliefs – reflected in objects, actions and language (symbols).
Deal and Kennedy defined organizational culture as the way things get done around here. They measured organizations in respect of: • Feedback - quick feedback means an instant