Title: Entrepreneurship and corporations
Assignment topic
The characteristics of a typical entrepreneur are irreconcilable with a corporate career. Large organisations are by their nature bureaucratic and as such promote an environment in which the entrepreneur cannot survive.
Prepare a discussion paper in essay style in which you survey the arguments for and against the above quotation, and then justify your own position. In your answer, provide very many examples of entrepreneurs and corporate managers, from your reading and your own experience, to illustrate the points you are making. When you refer to an example, provide enough details about the person so that a reader who does not know about the person, can understand the points about that person that you are trying to make. You will have to provide a definition of entrepreneurship in the introduction to your paper.
Word count (from the start of the Introduction section to the end of the Conclusion section): 1584 words
Executive summary
Entrepreneurship and corporate structures appear to be incompatible. This paper considers that apparent compatibility and concludes that entrepreneurship and corporate structures can be compatible in some cases. The paper first defines entrepreneurship and characteristics of entrepreneurs. It then looks at why these entrepreneurs may not fit into corporations. It then establishes that some corporations can incorporate entrepreneurs in ©Australian Institute of Business 2 V5-11Sept2012 what is called corporate entrepreneurship. Examples like Kerry Packer and Richard Branson are used to illustrate the arguments. ©Australian Institute of Business 3 V5-11Sept2012
Table of contents
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................4
2. What is entrepreneurships?
References: Benz, M 2006, The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, Boston., viewed 17 December 2007, <http://springerlink.com/content/klh7535q0864817v/> Casson, M. 1994, International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 1, iss. 1, viewed 17 December 2007, <http://informaworld.com/smpp/content-content=a758540499>. Heller, R 2006, ‘Entrepreneurial management: what’s the difference between management and entrepreneurship?’ viewed 19 December 2007, <http://thinkingmanagers.com./management/entrepreneurial-managers>. Jansen, PGW & Van Wees, LLGM 1994, ‘Conditions for internal entrepreneurship’, Journal of Management and Development, vol.13, no. 9, ‘Kerry Packer: Empire builder’ ABC News Online 27 December 2005, viewed 17 December 2007, <http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200512/s1538281.html> Kuratko, DF & Hodgetts RM 2006, Entrepreneurship: Theory/Process/Practice, 7th edn, Thomson South Western, Mason. ‘Richard Branson Virgin Group’, 26 Most Fascinating Entrepreneurs, Inc. Magazine, viewed 17 December 2007, <http://www.inc.com/manazine/20050401/26-branson.html>.©Australian Institute of Business 10 V5-11Sept2012