‘Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based
Understanding and
Responding to Societal
Demands on Corporate
Contract no.: PL 506462
Final Report
DRAFT – Comments Welcome
Maurizio Zollo, INSEAD, Academic Director, MC chair
Valeria Berchicci, INSEAD
Adri Tolstrup, CBSc
Lourdes Casanova, INSEAD, MC member
Katrine Goul Dueholm , CBS
Donal Crilly, INSEAD
Hanne Poulsen, CBS
Maria Gradillas, INSEAD
Antonio Tencati, MC member
Morten Hansen, INSEAD
Francesco Perrini, coord. Bocconi group
Joanne Lawrence, INSEAD
Mario Minoja, U. Bocconi
Sophie Linguri, INSEAD
Stefano Pogutz, U. Bocconi
Susan Schneider, HEC Geneva/INSEAD, MC member Alessandro Zollo, U. Bocconi
Pamela Sloan, HEC Montreal/INSEAD
Michael Yaziji, IMD/INSEAD
Peter Neergaard, coord. CBS, MC member
Wojciech Gasparski, LKA
Anna LewickaStrzalecka, LKA
Wolfgang Hackl, Impact
Shantanu Reinhold, Impact
Kai Hockerts, CBS, MC member
Esben Pedersen, CBS
This report is dedicated to the fond memory of:
Janet Bohdanowitz, LKA
Academic Advisory Board
Business Advisory Board
HenriClaude de Bettignies, CEIBS
Peter Lacy, EABIS
Tom Dunfee, U. Pennsylvania
Gilbert Lenssen, EABIS
Ed Freeman, U. Virginia
Elena Bonfiglioli, Microsoft
Bruce Kogut, INSEAD
Celia Moore, IBM
Eric Orts, U. Pennsylvania
Brigitte TantawiMonsou, WBCSD
(formerly, Unilever)
Peter Pruzan, CBS
Frank Welvaert, Johnson & Johnson
David Vogel, U. C. Berkeley
Mark Wade, (formerly) Shell
Jim Walsh, U. Michigan
RESPONSE: understanding and responding to societal demands on corporate responsibility
Executive summary
1 Introduction
2 A model of cognitive alignment and social performance
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