For the environment prospect, most of the MNCs have implemented different policies to protect the environment. They reuse, reduce and recycle the resources or materials. For example, some MNCs reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, provide energy-awareness training to employee and donate money to Green Peace.
In social dimensions, MNCs have actively participated in donation or clarity activities and even raise funds themselves. It is used to finance, support and protect the people in need. Some campaigns aim at raising awareness of the issues and taboos surrounding HIV and AIDS. Some of the funds are invested in the area of young education. Normally, companies do have economic perspective as it is cooperated in the view of making profits.
The term ‘corporate citizen’ (CC) can be used to addressing the social role of the corporation. The above activities or policies achieve the fourth level of CSR- philanthropic responsibility. It is a limited view of CC. Many MNCs put lots of efforts on this area. However, philanthropic responsibility does not mean enough social responsibility. For example, the McDonald's Corporation established the Ronald McDonald House. However, the McDonald's Corporation has been criticised for unethical business practices, regarding mistreatment of workers, misleading