Corruption inside law enforcement has to start and stop from top to bottom. The head of the agency should have the integrity along with the trustworthy and respect for all the officers. With the mutual respect with smart decisions and actions to follow, eventually that will wear off on others they surround. If a chief was known to be corrupted or to have done shady actions, then most likely his officers underneath him will follow with the …show more content…
Without the proper background checks and training, an agency is probable for having more issues and corruption problems to exist later on down the road. In the beginning stages of training you have to determine the integrity and honesty of the person, if one were to lie they should be already disqualified from further training. It has to start from a basis and build up. Some people's character should not be in law enforcement. That all should be determined with the proper psychological tests. Which should be required everywhere across the United States at all law enforcement agencies. Polygraphs are a great way to measure the honesty and integrity of a person and it should be carried out everywhere. Without the passing of a polygraph then no question, they are disqualified. Keep it simple law enforcement should not have dishonest