Scott Fitzgerald did not have a simple life for he had many problems. The Great Gatsby was one of his biggest hit,“The novel exposes the hollow values of the Jazz Age ,with its economic and social corruptions.” ( F.Scott Fitzgerald ). As we may see Fitzgerald shows us the dark side of the jazz age something that was new to the era and something that many people liked. Although he also shows in the book how economy and social corruptions happened. Gatsby knows people who are corrupted and people who corrupt. Furthermore, “Toward the end of his life, Fitzgerald apparently found a measure of happiness in an affair with Sheilah Graham.” ( F. Scott Fitzgerald ). This quote gives a view of how famous people influenced modernism which changed people's beliefs, before the 20th century people cared about their partner in marriage, but people started to have affairs which made people see see the American Dream as a divorce people started to divorce more after the 20th century. As Fitzgerald showed in his novel The Great Gatsby rich people had affairs with people who were in lower …show more content…
as we could see from the following quote. “In the sharp contrast U.S. literature during the first part of the 20th century was dominated by modernism.” ( Watts, Tim). Many poor people did not see a American Dream during the 1920s only the rich and powerful, as a contrast today people see the American Dream harder to get, rules have gotten stricter on getting the American Dream. People's beliefs changed during this era as the African americans were moving to white neighborhoods and areas. People saw possible changes in the American Dream. “The gilded age followed by intense, even dark, realism.” ( Watts, Tim ). People saw the real side of life, people struggled the same way we struggle today, the American Dream was gone for them as it is gone for us . Without an education you have no American Dream, in 1920 people saw no money, no American dream. After World War 1 the economy was bad and it was hard for people to find jobs and especially money, which is why there was corruption and social economy.
As we could see, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows us the dark side of the American Dream in his novel The Great Gatsby. Many things have changed since the 1920s, people's beliefs, people's point of view on the government, and modernism have made the American Dream change for many people in the U.S. The American myth of a self-made man, is gone for many people. F. Scott