From Tragedy to Triumph: Counselor as Companion on the Hero’s Journey By: Richard W. Halstead
The ethical standards for the human service professionals from the national organization of human service professionals.
Some things that I believe that the counselor has learned from Steve are never say what a person with a disability can’t do. Also I think he learned that may impaired people tend to look at being normal like everyone else instead of pushing toward a goal in life and becoming successful with it. Another thing that I think the counselor learned from Steve was that never judge anyone by the disability of a person, because they can accomplish anything in life that they put their minds to. …show more content…
Also after the talk with the psychiatrist, the counselor started using his thinking skills more. As it said in paragraph seven on the second page of this article,” The Psychiatrist had, unwittingly, provided me (The counselor) with what I thought might serve to propel Steve to the next milestone on his journey”. (Halstead Richard W. Pg2). It made the counselor want to encourage Steve even more to achieve his goal and prove the doctors