Edinburgh 31.5.05 word count 3,072
“ If we could only learn to respond effectively to children at the crisis point in their lives which brings them to us, and at the subsequent crisis points which are part of growth, we might save many of them from becoming clients in one capacity or another for the rest of their lives. “
(Winnicott, C. ‘ Face to face with children’ In Touch with
Children, 1984 p.19)
Each of the many counselling approaches has application and efficacy for different situations but aspects of each model may also have drawbacks depending on the age and developmental stage and needs of the child and the setting in which the counselling takes place.
All children and adolescents have a family or carers on whom they are dependant and who have played and will continue to play the major role in the social development and experiences of the young person. The family form part of the counselling setting which includes the child’s difficulties in conjunction with the circumstances surrounding their attendance for counselling and the arena within which the counselling takes place. “Children cannot usually leave their families. They are dependant on them, and their families generally provide the main social system within which they grow and develop.”
Roseann Anderson Essay 2 Edinburgh 31.5.05
(Geldard, K., Geldard, D., Counselling Adolescents, 2004 ch. 6
The subject of this essay will be the person-centred and cognitive behavioural models.
Essentially the person or child-centred approach extends the core conditions of empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence to the child, facilitating, in a reflective and non directive way the child’s exploration and harmonising of her emotional and personal issues that have arisen from her life’s experiences. “…the aim is to help the
References: Vol. 2: Special Areas. London: Harper & Row. Hooper, D. and Roberts, J. (1967) Disordered Lives: A n Interpersonal Account. Rugby: National Marriage Guidance Council. Jacobson, N. and Christensen, A. (1996) Acceptance and Change in Couple 86 APA (2012, 05)