FN313 (3 Credits): Financial Management
Course Description This course can develop knowledge and skills expected of a financial manager - relating to issues affecting investment, financing, and dividend policy decisions.
All students are expected to read the assigned chapters in the text or any material before class. The class schedule and a list of the assigned readings follow the grading policy. As the semester progresses, I will supplement more handouts that are to be read prior to every class or discussion. If you miss class some interesting things may also slip away. Students also have to read and research for their homework or assignments. Plan yourself and time carefully from the very beginning of the course before you countering read shocks or frightening.
Grading Policy
Your course grade will be based on a total of 100 possible points:
Classroom participation and attendance
Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Your final grade will be based on your performance in homework/ assignments, quizzes, class participation and exams.
Please note the dates of the exams listed on the course outline. There will be no makeup exams. An unexcused absence from an exam will be counted as a failure for that exam. Two unexcused absences from exams will be counted as a failure for the course.
There will be no extra credit assignments.
The final exam takes the form of two-hour and closed book exam, unless otherwise specified by the instructor, in which will be held in week 18th. However the specific date for this exam will be notified later.
The midterm exam will be held in one hour basis and in your regular class during the week 8.
There will be periodic quizzes, which are in very two weeks. Quizzes will be announced one week in advance. The quizzes will be given at the end of the class