The first appeal is shown by using logos to give the viewer’s reasoning to buy CoverGirl products. CoverGirl claims that their products are for women of any and all skin types or ethnic backgrounds. The ad states,“fadeproof, waterproof and ignore-proof”, which is used to describe the product that they are advertising (CoverGirl mascara). This product has been around for a long time and is rapidly growing and maturity it is very diverse. CoverGirl states fadeproof because they claim that their product will stay on they face regardless of how long it is worn for that day, and it withstands sweating or crying. Waterproof would be for those who need it to stay on when it rains or if they go for a swim. Ignore-proof is the smooth look and natural beauty look that it creates for their face and makes them look like a true queen, or look as beautiful as Queen Latifah looks in the ad. There are various things that people look to achieve when using make-up or mascara and this ad identified the top three. Women put make up to look beautiful, and mascara is apart of the make up. Queen
The first appeal is shown by using logos to give the viewer’s reasoning to buy CoverGirl products. CoverGirl claims that their products are for women of any and all skin types or ethnic backgrounds. The ad states,“fadeproof, waterproof and ignore-proof”, which is used to describe the product that they are advertising (CoverGirl mascara). This product has been around for a long time and is rapidly growing and maturity it is very diverse. CoverGirl states fadeproof because they claim that their product will stay on they face regardless of how long it is worn for that day, and it withstands sweating or crying. Waterproof would be for those who need it to stay on when it rains or if they go for a swim. Ignore-proof is the smooth look and natural beauty look that it creates for their face and makes them look like a true queen, or look as beautiful as Queen Latifah looks in the ad. There are various things that people look to achieve when using make-up or mascara and this ad identified the top three. Women put make up to look beautiful, and mascara is apart of the make up. Queen