Assignment #1
Name: Janel Nugent
ID: 201133618
Creating a Process-Oriented Enterprise at Pinnacle West
1. Brown had to make a lot of changes in order to develop a process-oriented organization.
Some of the major changes that were implemented were:
Creating the Center for Process Excellence as a way to redesign and standardize the knowledge surrounding a process-oriented organization.
Maintenance resources in the power stations had to be changed in order to be better prepared for any potential problems.
After the station was placed on a category 4 level of oversight by the NRC, a new system was brought on to help manage both the regular and proactive duties.
Even though Brown was making good changes to further …show more content…
the organization, there is still challenges that could be introduced along the way:
Some challenges Brown faced in doing so are first, how to introduce a processoriented model into an organization that had been operating on a functional model for many years.
Some employees may not have the willingness for change and this could create some resistance to the new model from them.
Maintenance in the station had to change from being just reactive to problems to be proactive in preventing any future problems as well.
Employees will need to have an extensive knowledge on the operations of a process-oriented model.
2. Moving the organization from its old formal processes to a new process-oriented culture requires the ability to rely on the safety in the organization’s daily operations. In order to
continuously manage and control these operations, the proper technology will need to be in place that will be both reactive and proactive in reaching the aims of the organization. At Pinnacle West, they began to address these requirements with the right training and techniques that were employed by site programs. Some examples of these would be:
Enlisting key resources that help improve the understanding of process-oriented practices and problem solving tactics
Employee training by the CPE
Having workers visit the Arizona State University …show more content…
Progress is reviewed monthly
Regular maintenance and monitoring that can help pin point areas that require improvement or change
3. Process transformation can be a normal response to major events or failures and can give rise to how an organization’s operations and values are managed. But that doesn’t mean process transformation will occur in a result to a “burning platform” or major failure.
Instead it can especially be employed even when everything in an organization is going great. Whether it will be motivated by either current pressures or demands for the future, organizations that are showing a good financial health and market share can always make the decision to launch process transformations in the hopes of achieving even more financial growth.
In this case, Denny Brown takes action after seeing the demand for his information services organization and the Pinnacle West’s customers who were hoping for more of the services they needed but at the right price.
Brown acted on these demands and therefore activated the implementation of an organized, integrated, and standardized process structure for Pinnacle West. The process-oriented management is crucial for adding value to all areas of the organization. This includes both the internal and external stakeholders, an advance in customer care, profound clientele support, operational efficiency, employee empowerment, and overall enhanced outcomes are among the
many successes that an organization can potentially reach by making the change to being process-oriented. 4. Yes, Brown’s hesitation is justified because it’s very important to fully understand how processes should be implemented, improved and managed continuously and in a strategic way. A continuous struggle that requires both structure and commitment from all employees for increasing and also supporting the process improvements and developments. But Denny Brown has been very successful in the management of individual processes and has shown incredibly effective performances. The CPE
group earned a great level of recognition while TOAN and Westwing venture, began to push
Brown between different sides. At one side, the distribution organization was having a restoration of commitment during projects like TOAN; on the other side, APS began to stretch on resources and issues of distributed generation and renewable generation were beginning to show up. Brown hoped to get his process-oriented strategy to create a permanent impression by managing Pinnacle West’s portfolio of in a cohesive way. An opportunity like this will only come once and because of that, Brown was pressed to become cautious in pushing down on the top-down agenda.