I stirred, awoken by the sound every sailor longs to hear after a long and exhausting …show more content…
We climbed across the large rocks and followed the narrow paths trying to find our way, desperate to see civilization once again. We walked for a few hours, until suddenly realising we were back where we started at. Me and my men were desperately confused, I was completely positive that I knew the way back into the city from here, but thinking I was wrong we decided to take an alternate route through a gathering of heavy vines and foliage. While slashing my sword back and forth to clear a path, I felt the earth slowly move beneath my feet. I halted my men and gave the order to be on the lookout for any unexplainable phenomenon. We walked carefully through the rest of day, becoming more and more frustrated about our lack of direction.
As the day was coming to an end me and my men decided to head back to our ship with the hope tomorrow we would figure out the way back home. We reached the beach, the night compared to the blackest of satin flowing along the sky and smothering its host in pure darkness. Now the complete opposite of the morning, the air was heavy and humid, making it hard to breathe and the beauty of the area dissipated and was left …show more content…
We raced towards our ship, terrified of the loud rumbles and violent shaking of the earthquake. The ground in front of our ship began to rise and block us from climbing aboard, it raised up just like a heavy warrior, sturdy and ready to attack anyone that dares defy its orders. The land behind us rose up as well trying to imprison us on all sides. We fell into a trap planned out strictly by the gods to test us. Quickly thinking, I looked for the nearest possible opening and instructed my men to run for their lives between the quickly closing space. I ran behind them as the whole land engulfed itself, leaving nothing left but open