Artoo whistles at him, causing him to gasp, “What took me so long? What do you mean? I’ve been looking for you!” He kicked Artoo’s side, “Have you short circuited? We’re under attack!” Just as he said that, a crash came from the outside. He peeked his head out to see the blast door broken open, allowing men clothed in white armour to flood out; Stormtroopers. He ducked back in as a laser blast flew past his head. The crew were also outside, trying to push the Imperials out. One of the braver soldiers ran up to the Stormtroopers and hit one with the bunt of his gun as he shot another. As he was about to charge further, he was halted as he rose into the air, clawing at his throat. He continued to gasp as a man cloaked in black came marching out of the blast doors, carrying an omniscient tone with him. He stood for a moment as he rose his hand, causing the Rebel to crash into the ceiling; a snap followed as his body went limp. The man threw him aside as the other Rebels fled for cover. The Stormtroopers ran after them, leaving the figure alone. The man, Darth Vader, looked to the dead Stormtrooper on the ground in front of him. He took a deep mechanical breath before he spoke, using a deep, monotone voice, “Weak.” He looked forward as he marched to the screams of …show more content…
Artoo took the lead as he opened one of his arms and extended it into the socket. Threepio complained, “This isn’t going to work.” R2 chirped as the hatch for the escape pod opened. He made his way into the front of the pod. He got situated and turned his head to face the protocol droid. C-3P0 looked back, “I’m not getting in there. Neither am I helping you on your journey for this Obi-Wan Ken-,” He was interrupted by a shock from the astromech; causing him to power down. Artoo didn’t have time for his bickering. He attached a magnet to his head and pulled the golden professor into the escape pod. After he was in, he ignited the engine, allowing the pod to jettison from the Tantive IV. Not long after the launch, Artoo turned Threepio back on. He sat up, “What, where? What did you do?” Artoo responded with a whistle and a few chirps. Threepio began to protest, but was interrupted by a thunderous roar as the pod’s hull ripped open, sending them both into the atmosphere. Artoo took charge immediately, grabbing Threepio and using all the thrusters in is legs to get into the pull of gravity surrounding Tatooine. When they made it to the planet’s gravity, Artoo began to burn as he began to rise in speed towards the ground. Artoo began to silently whimper as a golden hand wrapped around his head. Threepio now faced Artoo, wrapping him in a hug. Artoo questioned his act with a chirp.