As Melossi notes, ‘the struggle around the definition of crime and deviance is located within the field of action that is constituted by plural and even conflicting efforts at producing control’ (1994) p.205
Every culture has unique norms governing what it considers to be suitable behaviour. For example laws, dress codes, rules of sports and games, all convey social norms. But what if someone deviates from these expectations?
Deviance is behaviour that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group or society Wickman (1991) p.85.
- Therefore deviance helps to identify limits of appropriate behaviour. Moreover deviant behaviour violates social norms, and some forms of deviance carry a negative social stigma, while other forms are relatively accepted. Crime and deviance can be seen as functional. In accordance with functionalists, deviance is a normal part of human existence, with good and bad consequences for social stability. For instance a child seeing her little sister told off by the parents will learn about accepted conduct. An act can be criminal and not deviant for instance the driver receiving a fine for being on the phone while driving or a fine for speeding.
Downs & Rock (1998) p.32 ‘Deviance may be considered as banned or controlled behaviour which is likely to attract punishment or disapproval.’
- Consequently, deviance is the recognised violation of cultural norms and crime is the violation of a society’s enacted criminal law.
Durkheim believed that a certain amount of crime and deviance could be seen as positive for society. Crimes were necessary to generate social change, as innovation only comes about if old ideas are confronted. It also helped to elucidate the
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