Society should treat them like normal people.They should be consulted and given a job.People are the future.People should change the world.In this generation by stealing or by lazing around there is no escape.They have to be preached in a certain manner.
By these i conclude that criminals arent wicked and do not deserve punishment.
first of all you know that none in this world is criminal since born. The situations and conditions is responsible for developing wild beast. the conditions and situation are responsible for this. Now a days the problem is crime not criminals so why we hate criminals instead of crime. We have no right to take's one's life as we are not given him/her life. So we should not have right to give them punishment. Criminals are also humans like us but the only difference is we are not under the clouds of crime they are under the clouds of crime. They can be treated by our love, affection, care. We our self have the capability to wake up the sleeping humanity inside their heart. At last i would like to say that crime