

Satisfactory Essays
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Identify the Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People, Including E-Safety.

Safeguarding Children is a multi-stranded identifying approach that reaches beyond basic child protection to incorporate the supplementary aims of preventing the impairment of children’s health and development, It also involves promoting children’s safety and welfare in additıon to protecting child abuse and children who was abused. There has been development for the past 50 years, and the need for improved legislation has been highlighted by cases such as Maria Colwell (1973) and Victoria Climbie (2000) as these cases showed weaknesses in procedures.
The UK Government has defined the term ‘safeguarding children’ as: ‘The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.(1)

The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989) is an international human rights treaty that grants all children a comprehensive set of rights. The convention has 54 articles and it sets out in detail what every child needs to have for a safe, happy and fulfilled childhood. Article 19 states children’s rights to be ‘protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse’. The UK signed up to the treaty in 1990 and all UN states apart from the United States and Somalia have now formally approved the convention and are legally bound to implement legislation which supports each of the articles. (2)

The Children’s Act 1989 - Parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Professionals who must work to ensure the safety of the child; Section 47 states

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