Individual Case Analysis
Every occupation has a set of critical knowledge, skills, and abilities that is necessary to be able to fulfill the requirements needed to complete the job. As a laundry worker, there are five critical knowledge, skill, and abilities that can be identified as; knowledge of handling a washer/dryer machine, knowledge of basic math skills to properly measure expected amount of liquids to the washing machine, the ability to learn certain skills when folding clothes, knowledge of using a hand or electric ironing machine, and the knowledge of common skills such as distinguishing the difference in colors when washing either light/dark clothes. Delicate/non-delicate, or light/heavy clothing. In the same order of the five critical KSA’s I have identified, there are suitable selection techniques for each, first KSA, one can administer a cognitive ability test, this person does not need to try anything physical but just knowing how a washing or drying machine operates. A way to test this can be, asking how to turn on or off the machine. Second KSA, a cognitive ability test varies in many different aspects when evaluating a person’s performance. This test can be given on terms of mastering the quantitative ability. The person can be asked to measure one cup of detergent, one-fourth of bluing, and half cup of fabric softener. Third KSA, a work simulation test, also known as work sample, would best suit this type of task to perform. A person would be given one pair of jeans, a regular t-shirt, a buttoned up shirt, and a pair of short as an example and properly fold each clothing and set aside neatly. Fourth KSA, a psychomotor ability test can be given to evaluate the person’s knowledge of handling something psychically. This person can be asked to handle each tool and choose which one will be used for either a dress shirt and an evening gown. The final KSA identified is, a scholastic aptitude test can be given