Best Practices in Critical Thinking and decision Making paper
Communication skills for graduate study/COM505
2 December, 2009
Best Practice in critical thinking and decision making paper. I would have to admit that critical thinking skill did play a big part within my decision in returning back to school in perusing the graduate program that I am presently doing. Today we are finding more and more adult trying to get back into school to further his or her education from where he or she left off at a younger age in his or her life. Most adult that are returning back to school these days never thought that they would able to return back to school …show more content…
at an older age because there are afraid to attend traditional classroom or just don’t have the time due to his or her busy work life, but today adult are returning back at a great number because of so many different reason such as gaining a better position, gain better paid job or becoming a leader. Today because of the online classes that are taking place adult within the work environment are deciding to return back to college to continue their education at a higher level. According to University continues education association Trent report 2008, “adult over the age of 22 are returning to class true the online class where as under 22 are staying with their traditional classroom.” (UCEAT 2008) Due to all these new learning methods that are available today, to accommodate and teach adult made me realize that I needed to return back to school to further my education from an undergraduate to a graduated level. I would have to say that critical thinking and decision making is something that I deal with on a daily base in my life. As human we need to make decision each day. Some of our decision call for critical thinking skill and some may not. As a human being and a student learning, my decision making describe the difference in my behavior such as whom I am? The qualities that posse within an individual: Quality on the other hand helped a person to adapt themselves in any given situation that may arise. Likewise a situation that I was face with to make a decision to returning back to school. This was the hardest decision that I can think about that I had to make, but with the help of my good critical thinking skill I was able to manage to make the decision that I am going back to school. According to (chance 1986 p.6) “critical thinking and decision making contain the ability to generate and organize idea, analyze fact, define opinions and solving problem,” when a person need to make these thought decision that they are face with. After making my decision to return to school I realize that I had to rearrange my life to make the space and time among all the daily choices. Within the work environment today being a women us tough because of the rude behavior, back biting within other employee both male and female was hard but I must say that I have manage to overcome whatever situation I had and help my heal up to the highest point.
Man happens to be more competitive than women in the work environment. From My opinions I find men to be harder to work with because they do not give in easily to a women, men feel if a women are hire to do a job they should able to perform the task, because men always want to be on the winner side. Obtaining a graduate degree and known to be an assertive individual will place me to be a good candidate within the top position in the competitive environment. Within the united state city and state jobs are occupied by women today more than men. Women are taking over the top position over men these …show more content…
days. I find that since I have started classes with university of Phoenix my communication skills have improved tremendously. During my undergraduate program the critical thinking class had help me when working with group and individual on critical thinking and decision making skill. Student like myself who is in the graduate level used executive level when applying decision making skills and that is the reason company today look for employees that hold a graduate degree because they knew how to used the ability and knowledge within communication and interpersonal skills. A report from Bcc news online 2007, “employers are saying graduates candidates are normally academically proficient lack but lacking,””soft skill, like tem working, commutation, verbal and numerical. “(BCC new online 2007) Today adult are returning to school because of the online classes that are available. When I made the decision to return to school I was having problem with my marriage and though it would fall apart, and I would have to find a job outside of my husband company that I am presently working. Another thing was that I wanted my two children to have a positive example of me by knowing that their mother had achieve her gold at a higher level. I learn from this experience that no one is too old to learn and the more you learn the more knowledge you will have. Knowledge is something that no one can steal from a person. That is something a person can carry for life only death can part knowledge. I must say after I have completed mu undergraduate program I was so proud that I have achieve one part of my goal. This helps my friend and family to realize that if I can return to school they can too. My learning experience wants be to communicate my knowledge with my family and friends that returning to school is not a piece of cake but hard work and delectation will make you earn your goal. I let them know that there are times when school can be very demanding. I advice other to make sure they set timeframe and goals and do not procrastinate idea long. The idea to return to school was base on help consumers to work true their problem. A psychology degree will allow me a better knowledge and understanding on the different type of ways individual behavior and the type of situation. Returning to school made me very nervous but as time went by I feel comfortable knowing that someday I would be able to help others.
The main concern that I have from the begging was time management because I am a multiple task person and up to this day I still think that I need to manage my time. I need to make a list of all my choices and they make sure I only do the one that is important to me. This would be the only way I would able to complete my goals with the used of good critical thinking and decision making. I belief time managing, decision making and critical thinking work hand in hand to help each
Chance, P (1986) Thinking in the classroom. A survey of program New York Teachers College Columbia University.
Couch, C (2007) lifelong learning retrieved December 3 2009 from msn EnCana web site.
Firestone, Robert w., firestone, Lisa A., Catlett Joyce (2003) creating a life of meaning and compassion: the wisdom of psychotherapy Washington dc: education publishing foundation
2007 New online BNC online retrieved on December 3 from www//