Human Resources are the most important resources for every organisation. Hardworking and productive employees require a long and costly process to select, train and develop. Replacing such employees with new recruits is a long and a costly process starting from advertising the vacancy to training and development. That’s why it is much better to retain the employees by keeping them motivated instead of losing them and recruit new once. It will save lots of time, money and efforts. Motivation as defined by the business directory is: “Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject or to make an effort to attain a goal”.
Motivation is very important because it increases employee’s productivity and loyalty. People woks harder when they are motivated and satisfied. Companies with motivated staff are more productive and profitable than companies with demotivated staff. To motivate any employee you should know first what motivates him individually and then you can work on a plan and strategies to motivate him. There are many different motivators for the employees like recognition and appreciation, money, popularity, health, learning and development. It’s a very big mistake to think is the cash is the main motivator. More money does not always leads to happy employees. Money only is not enough. Extra money can be spent and forgotten easily and companies cannot just pay money when their employees are demotivated. There are many other ways to motivate the employees. For example: having accurate and clear job descriptions will help retaining the employees because they may leave the company when they are given more roles which is not included in their job contracts. Open Communication plays a role in the employee’s loyalty especially when the company financial information is shared frequently with them. This will make the employees
References: Hiam, A, (1999). Motivating & Rewarding Employees. 1st ed. USA: Adams Media Corporation. Glanz, B. (2002). Handle with Care: Motivating and Retaining Employees. New York, NY:McGraw-Hill Trade. CHEN, G., SHARMA, P.N., EDINGER, S.K., SHAPIRO, D.L. and FARH, J.L. (2011). Motivating and demotivating forces in teams: cross-level influences of empowering leadership and relationship conflict. The Journal of applied psychology, 96(3), pp. 541-557. LYNCH, P.K. (2008). Motivating challenging employees. Biomedical instrumentation & technology / Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, 42(3), pp. 203-204. MARBLE, S.G., 2009. Five-step model of professional excellence. Clinical journal of oncology nursing, 13(3), pp. 310-315 Swift, P. (2012) 10 Ways to Retain and Motivate Your High-Performing Employees. Workplace Insights. Weblog [Online] 9th January Available from: [Accessed: 23/12/2013].