How to Negotiate Salary
Salary negotiation may be one of the most challenging aspects of job search. Here are a few tips to guide you through the process.
There are three "P's" to keep in mind: * Preparation * Poise * Professionalism
Preparation - Being prepared is absolutely essential for successful negotiating. * Research the average salary range for the position, keeping in mind: * The company and its culture (use annual reports, Web sites, reference materials available at libraries such as "Business Directory") * The geographic location * Your own market value (years of experience, education) * Assess your personal criteria * What are your "must haves"? * What are your "would like to haves"? * What are your "can live withouts"?
Poise: This is the ability to remain calm and confident in uncomfortable situations. You will demonstrate poise if you: * Do not reveal your salary requirements too early * Convey confidence (remember, you would not have gotten the interview if they didn't think you could do the job!) * Show enthusiasm * Stay positive * Take your time when an offer is made (ask for time to think about it)
Professionalism: The way you negotiate is an example of the behavior the employer will expect to see on the job. Things to keep in mind: * Understand the dynamics of the situation (for instance, you may negotiate differently if you have been in job search a long time vs. if you have several offers to consider) * Remain positive - you and the employer share a common goal getting you to feel good about joining the company * Be confident - companies expect negotiation * Ask questions - hearing how they arrived at their offer may give you clues about alternatives * Detach from the outcome - it will help you relax AND you won't alienate your future boss * Focus on the value of the total