Customer Relationship Management is a strategy to develop strong relationships with the customer and to know more about the customer needs. Stronger relationships with the customers will help in the development of the business. CRM helps in understanding the needs of the customers by gathering the information about the customers, and this helps to market and sell the company’s products. CRM makes the use of technology and human resources for the development of the business. By implementing CRM
Better customer service can be provided.
Sales staff can work effectively.
Can discover the new customers and retain the existing ones.
For the effective functioning of a CRM, first the organization should understand about their customers and should know their value for the life time. They should also know what their customer’s needs and should develop a strategy to meet those needs. The organization must look after how the information will be saved in the form of data and how it can be used. The stored information can be used for marketing purposes like mail campaigns, sales staff working for selling products, customer service calls etc. CRM links up all those details. Company analysts will look after each aspect and identifies the area that needs better services (Wailgum, 2014).
CRM at Minitrex: Minitrex is a company with two major departments involving finance and insurance. George Degas is the director of sales at Minitrex. He appointed Harold Blufmen as the VP of insurance division and Mariella Hopkins as the head of the finance division. Credit administration system that works on the billing and payments of the customers and, General Management system that keeps track of the customers are the two back end systems for the insurance division. A management business centre application was developed by the Finance division in order to help the customer service representatives to
References: Jamalzadeh,M.M., Behravan, N.N., Markhali, A.,& Jouya, S. (2013). Customer Relationship Management Constructs Initiating Successful e- business Strategy for Service- based Companies. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(1), 60-69. doi: 10.3923/jas.2013.60.69 Smith, H.A., and J. D. Mckeen. “CRM at Minitrex,” #9-L05-1-002. Queen’s School of Business, January 2005. Reproduced by permission of Queen’s University, School of Business, Kingston, Ontario. Wailgum, Thomas. "CRM Definition and Solutions." CIO., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.