Within the scope of an internship, the author will develop a cross media concept for the company’s upcoming movie “Matti & Sami”. Therefore, the author researches how the present status of communicating with consumers is at Lieblingsfilm and develops a concept to enhance not only brand recognition but also success at the box office.
Hence, the following research question developed.
How can the production company Lieblingsfilm GmbH enhance its media presence by implementing a Cross media Concept for the upcoming children’s movie “Matti & Sami”?
2 Literature review and Theoretical Framework
Ithiel de Sola Pool, a …show more content…
In order to attract consumers’ attention companies have to change their way of thinking within their habitual processes of communication. Especially in recent years, the importance of a transmedia story has risen in importance.
According to Jenkins, a cross media or transmedia story uses multiple media platforms and channels to create a unique story world around the product (2006, pp.95). Each channel functions as an individual and valuable contribution to the whole story world. The ideal form of a transmedia concept is when each medium focuses on its strengths. Combined the channels build a core story (Jenkins, 2006, p.96).