Between Battered Women Who Endure and Relinquish Violence
Josiah Marie B. Carreon
AB Psychology
In 1970 support groups for women who were abused and battered began to collide with other women’s group to restrain the continuous abuse of men to women specifically by their spouse. The support groups was created primarily to address the ongoing problem, and the collaboration of support groups lead to programs such as counselling and service aid for victims, that help overcome the stress and trauma of women. Also to prevent such disgraceful demeanour ( Artega,2016). These programs was created a decade ago, and still abuse victim cases seemed to be ongoing in society and the victims …show more content…
This study will be done in four phases: conceptualization, gathering of respondents, answering informed consent, instrument distribution, and data gathering.
In the conceptualization phase, the statement of the problem and objectives will be reviewed and be defined as the scope of the study. The hypothesis will be tested, review of related literature and methodologies to be implemented will be reviewed.
Gathering of respondents will be in Hospicio de San Jose, the researcher has a direct contact to the administration who can give at least one hundred battered women to be her respondents.
When the participants have been gathered, the researcher will give an informed consent to satisfy the ethical standards.
The fourth phase is the data gathering, when the proposed instruments has been approved by the panel, the researcher will immediately tell the administrator of the Hospicio de San Jose that she will start the data …show more content…
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