-Make sure the crutches are in good working condition (no cracks, …show more content…
-Hold crutches tightly to your side and let your hands and non injured leg bare the weight
-Lean forward, place both crutches about 1ft in front of your body.
-Keep injured leg slightly bent and keep your weight on the uninjured leg.
-Swing your body forward and making sure to swing the uninjured leg and foot first so that they land feet first on the ground so that you can let the injured leg swing freely
-Then when you are ready again, swing good leg forward and repeat the last step
-To sit down, have your chair ready, back up to it till you are even with the chair. Use your crutches as leverage, slowly lower your body to the chair using the crutches and your good leg for leverage and for weight baring. Make sure you keep the injured leg slightly elevated in front of you.
-To stand, use your uninjured leg, one hand and something sturdy to push off of and push your body upward. Keep your injured leg slightly elevated in front of you or bent behind you. Which ever is comfortable and works for you.
-When going up and down stairs, use the railings for leverage. Step first with your good leg and push yourself up or when going down, going step to step. Keep your injured leg bent behind you. Use your arms to bare most of the weight and to use for leverage