PROBLEM STATEMENT All the Programs Must be Implemented in C Programming Language Only Write a Program to Display your details in the following format. ******************************* | Name : XXXXXXXX | | Age : XX | | Register Num : XXXXXXXX | | School : XXXXXXXX | ******************************** Write a Program to get Phone number (Integer), Age (Integer), Height (Decimal), Sex (Single character ‐ ‘M’ or ‘F’) from the user and then display the details. Write a Program to Exchange values in two integer variables i) Using a Temporary Variable ii) Without using a Temporary Variable Write a Program to perform basic Arithmetic operations which are Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Modulo of Two numbers. Numbers are assumed to be Integers and has to be inputted from the user.
i) Formatted output(printf)
i)Various Data types ii)Input, Output(scanf,printf) i)Assignment Operator ii)Arithmetic Operator i)Arithmetic Operators ii)Decimal Display i)Expression Solving ii)Electronics Concepts
For the Circuit mentioned above, Get Ra, Rb, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf and Voltage ‘V’ from the user. Then Find and Display Effective Resistance ‘R’(Hint: Ra, Rb are in one series & Rc, Rd, Re, Rf are in another series) and then Display Current which is computed by, I = V/R, then as per Ohms law find and display the Power P which is equal to (I^2) *R Hint :
Write a Program to find Area and Circumference of