1.2 In my role as a carer I have the duty of care to ensure I raise any concerns I may have about any day to day issues that I may come across for example, staff not meeting requirements as they have not had up to date training, equipment not being up to working standard and poor working conditions. It is my duty of care to safeguard service users from harm or abuse by another individual or colleague.
2.1 At times the service user may want to do something that could put them at risk, however as a carer I have the responsibility to keep the service user safe but also have to the duty to respect their rights for example - Service user could be ill and refuses their medication or treatment. The duty of care of is to help the service user however there's a conflict if the service user exercises their right to refuse that care.
2.2 Additional support can be found from many people and organisations which include GP’s, colleagues/manager, social workers, regulators and other care professionals.
3.1 Listen to what the individual has to say, ask them if they would like to write down the complaint either in the complaints book provided by the care home or if they would like to write a letter, go to the manager and describe the complaint to the manager or give them the letter of complaint, ask for advice for the appropriate reply and respond to the individual, leave with the manager to follow up.
3.2 Depending on the complaint made, if it can be easily resolved for example it does not need any further investigation then an on the spot apology from the person receiving the complaint or the manager should be given with an explanation. However if it is a written complaint then inform the individual that the complaint has been passed onto the manager and that they will hear from the manager with a