1.1 All patients should be treated as individuals and their care should reflect this. Person-centred practice is an approach that puts the client at the centre of their care and their care is structured around their individual needs. It involves them in making decisions about things that affect them (Health Foundation 2012). Person centred planning is crucial to providing quality care and support. It helps professional care and support workers find out what is important to the person they support and enables services to be built around what matters most to that individual. When you get to know the client well, you can provide care that is more specific to their needs and therefore provide better care.
By promoting and facilitating greater client responsibility, clients are more likely to engage in treatment decisions, feel supported to make behavioural changes and feel empowered to self manage.
1.2 With person-centred practice the main person is the client . The service would be organised for their individual needs concerning their personal care and well being. It should cover all aspects of health and social care (hasan,2009). They must include the following:
Ensuring that the client is treated with dignity and respect.
Enabling them to achieve as much independence as possible.
Ensuring that the client has choices.
Ensuring that the client is treated as an individual.
Ensuring that their rights are maintained.
Person-centred practice gives the individual the control over aspects of their life, making decisions and overcoming barriers to participate in every day events. This will give the client a feeling of well being.
1.3. The government continues to provide policies to enable patients to be promoted with the choice of their care by promoting legislations. Legislations as follows:
Department of Health 2009 has proposals to broaden the range of providers and introduce more competition into care services. This