POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Helps support bone formation and cell membranes. It's important to support the eyes, hair, skin and teeth. In other words, Vitamin A stimulates growth and vitality. It helps form the colour purple which is essential for night vision. It's great for immune system functions - like fighting infection, colds, flu and bacteria. It also helps maintain the healthy function of the reproductive organs and liver function. It speeds up healing time in many illnesses. Vitamin A is an antioxidant; therefore, it helps the body combat environmental pollutants.
FOOD SOURCES: Alfalfa sprouts, apricots, asparagus, avocado, banana, bee pollen, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cayenne pepper, celery, cherries, dandelion greens, fish liver oils, garlic, kale, kelp, leaf lettuce, liver, melon, mustard, papaya, parsley, peaches, peas, persimmon, pineapple, prunes, pumpkin, spinach, spirulina, sweet potatoes, yellow fruits and squash, tomato, yellow or green vegetables, sprouted wheat, turnip greens, whole wheat, wheatgrass, and watercress.
Vitamin C - (Ascorbic acid)
POTENTIAL BENEFITS: In high doses can cause diarrheal. Large amounts of Vitamin C may cause a false negative reading when blood in the stool is being tested.
FOOD SOURCES: Alfalfa sprouts, apples, asparagus, avocados, bee pollen, beets, beet greens, berries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, burdock root, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chickweed, citrus fruits, collards, cucumber, currants, garlic, leafy greens, green vegetables, kale, kelp, kiwi, lemons, mangos, mustard greens, onions, oranges, papayas, parsley, peas, persimmon, pineapple, potato, radishes, raw vegetables, rose hips, spinach, spirulina, all kinds of sprouts, strawberries, sweet peppers, swiss chard, tomato, turnip greens, watercress and wheatgrass.
VITAMIN B1 - (thiamine)
POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Promotes neurotransmission