Ilana Diallo
COMM 200
Kristy Nelson
December 17, 2010
Cultural Differences in Communication
Culture differences in communication is simply one way of stating that communication is diverse and requires one to use with precision. Being able to communicate your message within different communities and cultures it is important to understand the differences and how it may affect the response by the certain targeted people group.
Dealing with cultural differences is common in today’s society. There are so many different cultures within every community in major and minor cities across this nation. Being able to effective in your communication will require some diversity in the way you communicate with different people groups.
Businesses are needing to advertise and market differently, services and government agencies are needing to outreach in several ways, and average citizens are needing to understand other cultures in order to communicate more effectively at work, in social groups and even their extended families. Many times there are several components that are needed in multicultural marketing such as: cultural adaptation, localization, internationalization, market research, and globalization.
Many people struggle with identifying with other people groups that are different from their own. This has been a global problem for as old as time itself. People who do similar activities and come from similar ethnic groups or social classes will gravitate towards each other. Being able to cross those cultural biases can be very difficult.
I find that working with all different cultural backgrounds has given me more diversity in my business. I work in personal finance and this area of people’s lives is very sensitive no matter what cultural background they come from. Dependent on the cultural background my communication tactic will vary. In many cultures, I may only speak with the husband about the finances, in
Bibliography: Hybels, S. & and Weaver, R.L., (2007). Communicating effectively (8th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Chanin Ballance. (2006, July). Effective Multicultural Communication. World Trade, 19(7), 54,56,58. Retrieved December 18, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1085944541). Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, R. (1989). Cooperation and competition: Theory and research. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company Stewart, J. (2006). Bridges not walls. (9th Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill