To begin with, the term multiculturalism has different meanings and associations. Multiculturalism can mean an ideal of cultural variety, and it can describe the …show more content…
Multiculturalism is part of many countries. In some places, like the United States or Australia, it is a cause for celebration as well as a plain fact. However, only in Canada, multiculturalism is a national ideology and a state policy. Furthermore, Canada institutionalized multicultural policy in the 1980s (Leung, 2011). Which made Canada the first nation to make a policy of multiculturalism part of its national constitution. Multiculturalism was referred to in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms adopted in 1982 (Leung. 2011). Multiculturalism is part of the four state ideologies. The four ideologies are as follows: multiculturalism ideology, civic ideology, assimilation ideology, and ethnist ideology. The multiculturalism ideology is the one that supports and recognizes people of diversity. Civic ideology subscribes to multiculturalism but does not support state funding to promote