Article Summary
The article “Cultural Intelligence” written by P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski describes the importance of international managers´ knowledge about cross cultural aspects and how to deal with employees from different countries. However, cultural skills are not only important for international managers or bankers. There are even different cultures and subcultures within a specific company. The most branches, departments and regions have their own culture with their own behaviors, habits and values. Cultural Intelligence is the ability to interpret gestures and handlings from different cultures or habits.
There are three components of cultural intelligence: the cognitive, the physical and the emotional or motivational. In other words you can describe these components like Head, Body and Heart.
Head: People can study the different types of cultures they have to deal with. This may be a good preparation for some situations but this means not, that this person is able to master every arising situation.
Body: Every culture has its own body language. Therefore mimicry is a good way to become people more trusting and open.
Heart: It is very important to believe in yourself and in your own efficacy. For instance, if a manager had persevered successfully a challenging situation in the past, he will get more confident in mastering unknown tasks.
There are six profiles of cultural intelligence: 1) The provincial can achieve high working performances with people of similar backgrounds, but is not able to adjust to another working environment. 2) The analyst knows the different habits of culture and therefore for every single situation the joining learning strategy. 3) The natural believes his intuition and not on systematic learning styles. His first impression is mostly the right. But he could use different strategies in the same situations, because he never uses fixed learning guides or strategies. 4) The