It is seen everywhere now days: schools systems, work places, amongst friends. Hatred does not exist because of what others are or what they look like. (Carnes. 4) You see a mixture or ethnicities and colors in local neighborhoods as well. In older days, neighborhoods would be separated by color or ethnicities, and others would not be allowed in their territory without violence breaking out. Today, you see biracial children, two difference races coming together and making a child. That is something that would not be tolerated in the past. Culture Diversity is healthy for the United States. When you are sharing ideas, traditions, and customs: culture in itself; it brings unity and peace to one another. Why spend your whole life fighting with one another when you could be discovering a new passion, a new love for something that you never thought possible. If one does not open up your mind and soul to new ideas, one will never discover what they truly …show more content…
Without all these cultures, Ethnicities willing to work the lower paying jobs; we would not have a balanced economy. A lot of times, people criticize the lower paid immigrants for the job that they do such as farm labor workers. Those immigrants are what keep the crops growing. What lets Americans get fresh fruit and vegetables from local produce stores. There are multicultural restaurant now located in the local malls or shopping strips. They are trying to just make a better living for themselves. Many years ago, they would have not even been allowed to work in public, much less own a